Wednesday, 31 May 2017

*How To Use Google Voice Command On Your Android Phone*

How To Use

Google Voice is a known feature in every Android device of today. It allows you to take actions on your phone using your voice without typing or using your fingers. When you say "Ok Google" it will start listening to what command you will say. Let me give an example, if you say "Ok Google Play Music", it will immediately launch your music player app and start playing the tracks. Isn't that cool?

Here, i wife be showing you things you can do with Google Voice without actually using your fingers.

Take a picture. Say, *“OK Google. Take a picture,”* and it launches the camera ready for you to snap awayRecord a video. Say, *“OK Google. Record a video,”* and launches the camera in video recording modePost to Twitter. Say, *“OK Google. Post to Twitter. “Hello guys. Its going to be a great day.”* Then tell it to send the displayed text.Open webpages. For example, I go, *“OK Google, open,”* and it launches the browser and loads this blog. I have used this feature and it's damn cool.

Compose and send messages E.g. via WhatsApp. Say, for example, *“OK Google. Send WhatsApp message to dad. Hello dad. I hope you’re doing fine.”* Dad has two numbers, so the app displays both and asks me which account I want to send to. I respond with *“The first one.”* It composes the message and displays it for me to see. When I say, *“Send,”* it sends it. Simple. No hands or fingers involved

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