*Primary skul shoutout*
✔ Shoutout to all doz girls dat begin 2 cry wen de
call a boy ur husband,i hope u 'are still single.��
✔ 2 all doz boys dat brings ball 2 skul and
decides who they wants 2 play wit, i hope u guys
are now football manager!
✔ 2 Doz pple who do not allow odas to use thier
water bottles, makin us feel our mouth are dirty, iGet more
hope u pple are now working wit CLOSE UP.��
✔ 2 all doz pple who lyk sitting beside d window, i
hope u are still recievin d fresh air
✔ 2 all doz pple who sets pen on pples chair so
dat de can seat on it, i hope u are now
✔ 2 all doz pple who says dat if u eat beans and
egg u are likely 2 fart, i hope u now medical
✔ Shoutout to doz boys and girls dat tears oda
pple notes for test rather dan tearing thier own, i
hope u guys are stil smart.��
✔ To doz pple who cant use thier pen without its
cover, I hope u pple are stil with d covers. ✍
✔ 2 doz clean pple who dont allow thier bag to
touch ground, i hope u guys are cleaners.��
✔ 2 doz pple who don't buy anything during
breaktime but wud wait at d food shed and start
begging 4rm pple who bought, i hope u guys are
now corporate beggers.��
✔ 2 all doz boys who used bobo or viju milk
containers 2 play ball, i hope u guys are now
professional footballers.
✔ 2 Doz smart ones who do not allow thier
classmates 2 copy their homework, i hope u are
working with EFCC.��
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
*How To Use Google Voice Command On Your Android Phone*
How To Use
Google Voice is a known feature in every Android device of today. It allows you to take actions on your phone using your voice without typing or using your fingers. When you say "Ok Google" it will start listening to what command you will say. Let me give an example, if you say "Ok Google Play Music", it will immediately launch your music player app and start playing the tracks. Isn't that cool?
Here, i wife be showing you things you can do with Google Voice without actually using your fingers.
Take a picture. Say, *“OK Google. Take a picture,”* and it launches the camera ready for you to snap awayRecord a video. Say, *“OK Google. Record a video,”* and launches the camera in video recording modePost to Twitter. Say, *“OK Google. Post to Twitter. “Hello guys. Its going to be a great day.”* Then tell it to send the displayed text.Open webpages. For example, I go, *“OK Google, open Safaxnet.com,”* and it launches the browser and loads this blog. I have used this feature and it's damn cool.
Compose and send messages E.g. via WhatsApp. Say, for example, *“OK Google. Send WhatsApp message to dad. Hello dad. I hope you’re doing fine.”* Dad has two numbers, so the app displays both and asks me which account I want to send to. I respond with *“The first one.”* It composes the message and displays it for me to see. When I say, *“Send,”* it sends it. Simple. No hands or fingers involved
Google Voice is a known feature in every Android device of today. It allows you to take actions on your phone using your voice without typing or using your fingers. When you say "Ok Google" it will start listening to what command you will say. Let me give an example, if you say "Ok Google Play Music", it will immediately launch your music player app and start playing the tracks. Isn't that cool?
Here, i wife be showing you things you can do with Google Voice without actually using your fingers.
Take a picture. Say, *“OK Google. Take a picture,”* and it launches the camera ready for you to snap awayRecord a video. Say, *“OK Google. Record a video,”* and launches the camera in video recording modePost to Twitter. Say, *“OK Google. Post to Twitter. “Hello guys. Its going to be a great day.”* Then tell it to send the displayed text.Open webpages. For example, I go, *“OK Google, open Safaxnet.com,”* and it launches the browser and loads this blog. I have used this feature and it's damn cool.
Compose and send messages E.g. via WhatsApp. Say, for example, *“OK Google. Send WhatsApp message to dad. Hello dad. I hope you’re doing fine.”* Dad has two numbers, so the app displays both and asks me which account I want to send to. I respond with *“The first one.”* It composes the message and displays it for me to see. When I say, *“Send,”* it sends it. Simple. No hands or fingers involved
1. They don't tell their kids the truth when kids ask questions. They make up stories about santa and easter bunnies etc. I think more attention need to be paid to help kids develop a sense of logic and how to weigh up evidence. Helping them tell between a made up story and fact, a belief versus a theory etc. just all vital to healthy brain development!
2. Helping kids understand not just what the rules are (at school, in society etc) but the reasons for those rules. So they look behind authority, can question things presented to them, and are less likely to be blind followers. Giving them confidence to stand out, to disagree, and even disobey bad rules and see the bigger picture. Too many rules create too many blindly following sheep.
3. Empowering kids to say no and stand up for themselves, that they are in charge of their bodies - they don't have to hug or sit on anyones knee. They don't have to be polite to assholes or accept unexceptabe behaviour from adults. They can speak up when uncomfortable and tell a grown up no. Both for safety and basic self esteem/ego development. Not talking about raising rude kids, but kids who understand what 'consent is' (so they are protected against people taking advantage) and that also deserve respect.Forcing their children to be carbon copies of themselves, stifling their individual personalities. Let me give you an example - I have an acquaintance who does not like animals. For some reason or other, he simply dislikes them (no, not the smell or mess they make. He has a personal dislike for animals).
As such, his wife and 9 year old son are NOT allowed to have a pet, not even a goldfish or a hamster. (I don't know why a grown woman would need permission from her husband to have a pet, but this is a traditional Asian household, so the man has full say about the household decisions)
Now the man's son's birthday is coming up. He says he wants to make it the BEST birthday EVER for his son. So he will take the boy to the handphone shop and buy him ANY handphone model he wants. He believes that the son must be so excited. Now, bear in mind the son has been begging for a puppy for a very long time. The father always replies with the same thing: "No pets. I don't like animals." The father simply refuses to acknowledge that what the son really would like is a furry pet like a guinea pig, hamster, or a puppy. Maybe he could compromise and get him a small mammal. He could make it very clear that if the son doesn't look after it, he will just give it away. Instead, the selfish man projects HIS reality on to his son (since HE likes technology), and tells himself that because HE wants a high-tech handphone, his 10 year old son must also want it. If he doesn't like animals, his son
If you lose your mobile phone, you can trace it without going to the police.
Most of us always fear that our phones may be stolen at any time.
Each phone carries a unique
IMEI no. i.e. International Mobile Equipment Identity No which can be used to track it anywhere in the world.
This is how it works:
1. Dial *#06# from your mobile.
2. Your mobile phone shows a unique 15 digit.
3. Note down this number at a secure place except in your mobile phone itself as this is the number which will help trace your phone in case of theft.
4. Once stolen, just E-mail this 15 digit IMEI No. to cop@vsnl.net with details as stated below:
Your name:____________________
Phone model:_________________
Last used No.:_________________
E-mail for communication:_____
Missed date:___________________
IMEI No :_______________________
5.Your Mobile will be traced within next 24 hours via a complex system of GPRS and internet, You will find where your hand set is being operated and the new user's No. will be sent to your email.
6. After this, you can inform the Police with the details you now have.
Looking for a reliable investment platform in Nigeria? checkout vp trading. This investment platform is not a Ponzi or MLM scheme but a registered and reputable e-currency trading company in Nigeria. Activation is INSTANT and withdrawal talks just 3hours. When you invest 20k, you will get N600 for 90 days which amounts to 54k when you invest 50k, you get N1,500 for 90 days which amounts to 130k when you invest 100k, you get N3,000 for 90 days which amounts to 270k Advance plans also available like 500k and 1m You can withdraw your daily payment any time into your bank account. If you don’t want to invest, you can refer people and get 5% - 10% commission or Solve a timed puzzle to get money. What VP Trading does with your money? they simply use the money to trade e-currencies and pay you interest daily from the profit. Please use my referral link below to register. http://trade.voopin.com/ref/DAVIsongz
*step1*: go to file manager
*step2*: find the apk file of the app/game you want to send
*step3*: rename that apk file, where you see *apk* erase is and type *doc* or *txt*
*step4*: long press that file then click share then via whatsapp
eg: you send *NARUTO*. it will be *Naturo.apk* so change it to *Naruto.doc* or *Naruto.txt* then sen
*step2*: go to file manager
*step3*: go to whatsapp folder>>media>>>documents
*step4*: rename that app/game. where there is *doc* or *txt* put *apk*
*step5*: install
*step1*: go to file manager
*step2*: find the apk file of the app/game you want to send
*step3*: rename that apk file, where you see *apk* erase is and type *doc* or *txt*
*step4*: long press that file then click share then via whatsapp
eg: you send *NARUTO*. it will be *Naturo.apk* so change it to *Naruto.doc* or *Naruto.txt* then sen
*HOW TO INSTALL IT**step1*: download the app/game in whatsapp
*step2*: go to file manager
*step3*: go to whatsapp folder>>media>>>documents
*step4*: rename that app/game. where there is *doc* or *txt* put *apk*
*step5*: install
Sunday, 28 May 2017
GTbank latest hits
Awoof number 1 GTB
Grab your copy Now.....
Click on the link below To do it Now!!!
zoom it Now 🚀🚀
If you are interested in opening GTBank account but you have never been chanced to visit hi nearby branch to you. This is an opportunity for you, kindly dial *737*0*660# follow the proceedings and you will get your account number instantly...............pls spread the gospel until it gets 2 someone that will benefit from it...........thank you
Grab your copy Now.....
Click on the link below To do it Now!!!
zoom it Now 🚀🚀
Monday, 15 May 2017
YAHOO BOY'S pranks
1) Yahoo boy should have a computer and a stable Internet connection. There are plenty of examples of how to start a yahoo boy career on the Web. Therefore, young people quickly study all the ground rules.
2) The best trick to start with is titled “Web freestyle”. Almost 99% of yahoo boys started their careers from this fraud. You should register a private account on a popular dating website, fill in your profile, find an attractive photo, and wait somebody falls in love with you. Subsequently, she or he will begin paying your bills and sending dollars to you.
3) A yahoo boy should learn how to send fake messages to both social networks. It is a little risk field of a yahoo boy specialization, which can bring real money.
4) Yahoo boys must have no mor
I'm Steven Lampard from united kingdom, I work in a construction company as a contractor, I'm 35 years of age and still single, I have a kid, I like playing football especially a defender which make people call me Ferdinand because he is also a good defender from Manchester United in English premier league. i also like playing golf, likewise tennis and basket ball. I like meeting people for friendship and love to share knowledge with them for fun. I like making people around me laugh and make them realize that it is a pleasure for us to be alive.
I'd like to meet someone that is ready to take me of whom I am and I take her foe whom she was. someone that will make me realize that without someone like her, my life is not complete and who will bring out the good dreams I have being dreaming since the day i was born. someone that will know what i want when i laugh and what i don't want when i'm angry. in one world, i'm really looking for the love of my life, someone to love with all my heart and she love me with all her heart.nt, many young Nigerians consider Internet fraud as an original exit in such a country like Nigeria. Yahoo-boys have in mind only rapid monetary rewards. Thus, how to become a yahoo boy?
1) Yahoo boy should have a computer and a stable Internet connection. There are plenty of examples of how to start a yahoo boy career on the Web. Therefore, young people quickly study all the ground rules.
2) The best trick to start with is titled “Web freestyle”. Almost 99% of yahoo boys started their careers from this fraud. You should register a private account on a popular dating website, fill in your profile, find an attractive photo, and wait somebody falls in love with you. Subsequently, she or he will begin paying your bills and sending dollars to you.
3) A yahoo boy should learn how to send fake messages to both social networks. It is a little risk field of a yahoo boy specialization, which can bring real money.
4) Yahoo boys must have no morality. They usually stop at nothing to deceive people and pocket their money. Therefore, if you want to become a successful yahoo boy, you should learn how to beg, cry online, call for help in the written form. You must do everything so that people believe you.
5) Yahoo boys should professionally master another deception technique, which is called phishing. This method allows acquiring any person`s private data (passwords, usernames, and credit card data).
6) Many yahoo boys in Nigeria have been using a so-called apartment trick for years to def
2) The best trick to start with is titled “Web freestyle”. Almost 99% of yahoo boys started their careers from this fraud. You should register a private account on a popular dating website, fill in your profile, find an attractive photo, and wait somebody falls in love with you. Subsequently, she or he will begin paying your bills and sending dollars to you.
3) A yahoo boy should learn how to send fake messages to both social networks. It is a little risk field of a yahoo boy specialization, which can bring real money.
4) Yahoo boys must have no mor
I'm Steven Lampard from united kingdom, I work in a construction company as a contractor, I'm 35 years of age and still single, I have a kid, I like playing football especially a defender which make people call me Ferdinand because he is also a good defender from Manchester United in English premier league. i also like playing golf, likewise tennis and basket ball. I like meeting people for friendship and love to share knowledge with them for fun. I like making people around me laugh and make them realize that it is a pleasure for us to be alive.
I'd like to meet someone that is ready to take me of whom I am and I take her foe whom she was. someone that will make me realize that without someone like her, my life is not complete and who will bring out the good dreams I have being dreaming since the day i was born. someone that will know what i want when i laugh and what i don't want when i'm angry. in one world, i'm really looking for the love of my life, someone to love with all my heart and she love me with all her heart.nt, many young Nigerians consider Internet fraud as an original exit in such a country like Nigeria. Yahoo-boys have in mind only rapid monetary rewards. Thus, how to become a yahoo boy?
1) Yahoo boy should have a computer and a stable Internet connection. There are plenty of examples of how to start a yahoo boy career on the Web. Therefore, young people quickly study all the ground rules.
2) The best trick to start with is titled “Web freestyle”. Almost 99% of yahoo boys started their careers from this fraud. You should register a private account on a popular dating website, fill in your profile, find an attractive photo, and wait somebody falls in love with you. Subsequently, she or he will begin paying your bills and sending dollars to you.
3) A yahoo boy should learn how to send fake messages to both social networks. It is a little risk field of a yahoo boy specialization, which can bring real money.
4) Yahoo boys must have no morality. They usually stop at nothing to deceive people and pocket their money. Therefore, if you want to become a successful yahoo boy, you should learn how to beg, cry online, call for help in the written form. You must do everything so that people believe you.
5) Yahoo boys should professionally master another deception technique, which is called phishing. This method allows acquiring any person`s private data (passwords, usernames, and credit card data).
6) Many yahoo boys in Nigeria have been using a so-called apartment trick for years to def
A sugar Daddy falls in love with a married Lady
I Have a Sugar Daddy So I Can Support My Son. Here's What My Life Is Like.
Elle - Yesterday
When I first heard about SeekingArrangement.com, a website that helps men and women connect with sugar babies (people who are paid to provide some sort of relationship service) and sugar daddies (people who pay to receive the relationship service), I was skeptical. A girlfriend of mine was already on the site as a sugar baby, and she was getting all these lavish gifts - extravagant dinners with a $1,000+ bill, exotic getaways, designer handbags - but I had no idea what she, or other girls on the site, were doing in exchange for these things. Plus, who were these people that she was meeting? Were they nice guys? Creeps? Were they even who they said they were?
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The gifts obviously seemed nice, but when I heard that she was making money on top of that, that's what really persuaded me. Because I didn't care about the material things I could have - I just wanted to provide for my son.
I'm a single mom to six-year-old Carter*, who lost his dad when he died from a heart attack five years ago. We obviously weren't expecting it, and losing a second income, especially in Los Angeles - one of the most expensive cities to live in - made it very difficult for me to provide for Carter. I could afford the basics on my salary working as a customer service representative, but I was never really able to give him the things I thought he should have - a nicer
Elle - Yesterday
When I first heard about SeekingArrangement.com, a website that helps men and women connect with sugar babies (people who are paid to provide some sort of relationship service) and sugar daddies (people who pay to receive the relationship service), I was skeptical. A girlfriend of mine was already on the site as a sugar baby, and she was getting all these lavish gifts - extravagant dinners with a $1,000+ bill, exotic getaways, designer handbags - but I had no idea what she, or other girls on the site, were doing in exchange for these things. Plus, who were these people that she was meeting? Were they nice guys? Creeps? Were they even who they said they were?
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The gifts obviously seemed nice, but when I heard that she was making money on top of that, that's what really persuaded me. Because I didn't care about the material things I could have - I just wanted to provide for my son.
I'm a single mom to six-year-old Carter*, who lost his dad when he died from a heart attack five years ago. We obviously weren't expecting it, and losing a second income, especially in Los Angeles - one of the most expensive cities to live in - made it very difficult for me to provide for Carter. I could afford the basics on my salary working as a customer service representative, but I was never really able to give him the things I thought he should have - a nicer
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NBC bans Olamide’s latest hit single, 'Science Students' January 29, 2018 Olamide’s hit single “Science Students” has been b...

I Have a Sugar Daddy So I Can Support My Son. Here's What My Life Is Like. Elle - Yesterday When I first heard about SeekingArran...
NBC bans Olamide’s latest hit single, 'Science Students' January 29, 2018 Olamide’s hit single “Science Students” has been b...
1. They don't tell their kids the truth when kids ask questions. They make up stories about santa and easter bunnies etc. I think more ...